Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Power of Advertising

9MD P3

Today we are going to begin our new unit about advertising. We are going to investigate the persuasive techniques used in advertising. These skills will help us to make informed decisions about the range of advertisements that we are often surrounded by from a range of media. This process will helps us to be critical thinkers as we analyse a range of advertisements.

LI: We are learning to understand the impact and power of a range of TV advertisements.

SC: I can contribute to the group discussion about advertising.
       I can work with my group to identify some possible persuasive techniques that the ad is using.
       I can contribute my ideas to the group scribe so our work can be displayed in the classroom.

Lesson Sequence

Silent Reading
Free Writing ( your choice)
Group brainstorm and recording of ideas.
Questions To discuss and record your groups ideas:
What's advertising all about? How do the producers make them really effective?

Viewing of TV Ads
Click here for the Top Ten TV ads

Monday, October 17, 2016

Explanation Texts

Monday 17/10/16

P5 9MD

Today we are continuing to develop our skills in writing explanations. This is in preparation for the Asttle writing assessment in Week 3.

Lesson Sequence

Silent Reading

Writing Training Writing for 5 minutes on a set topic, followed by 2 minutes of editing time.

Explanation Texts

LI: We are learning to write an explanation as a response to an article about the New World promotion.

SC:  I have read the article and completed in full sentences the answers to the questions.
        I have refreshed my memory about the structure of the explanation by viewing the U tube clip
        I have begun to plan my answer, by developing my reasons for my main body paragraphs in                  response to the question.
        I have developed an introduction that generally introduces my topic and gives the reasons that
        I am going to discuss in my essay.
        I have 3 main body paragraphs that follow the SEX -Y format
        I have developed a conclusion        

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Long and Short Poems

Tuesday 23/8/16



Today we are going to look at some short poems, and will be using them to inspire our own short or long poems. You may think about your best work over the next two days and select one of them to be included in your assessment work.

Some of you will need to spend some time at home proof reading and editing your work that is being submitted for the assessment. This will include your own piece of writing developed from the mentor texts, 'Driftwood Days' and 'I am Winter'.
If you haven't completed these two pieces of work you will need to focus on getting them done for homework.
Remember to pay   special attention to spelling and punctuation in your writing, this means you need to go back and carefully re-read your work. spend some time crafting your work, this  is where you look critically at your work. and see if you can make any improvements in word choices, or using a carefully chosen language feature that will add impact to your work. This stage is really important.I would recommend that you go through this process.

LI: We are continuing to develop our own poems using mentor texts for inspiration.

SC:I can identify a range of language techniques used in the poems
SC: I can discuss my ideas about the poems
SC: I can develop my own short or long poem using careful word choices and language features to create an effective poem.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Creative Writing Assessment

Monday 22/8/16



I am very impressed by the effort you have all put into your own piece of creative writing based the mentor text 'Driftwood Days' by Charlotte Williams. All that remains is to give your work the final proof read seeing if you can correct any errors in basic punctuation and spelling.
Crafting your work is where you critically look at what you have done, and see if you can make any improvements in word choices or using a carefully chosen language feature that will add impact to your work. I would recommend that you do this.

Today we are going to look at the creative writing assessment task and discuss options and choices about it.  You will consider the work you have already completed in class, and the work that we will be doing this week. Your assessment is due in this Friday 26/8/16.

Lesson Sequence

Silent Reading
Free writing

  • The whistle blew and it was all on...
  • The car came to a sliding halt, gravel spinning up from the rough road and I...
  • Own choice...
Assessment Task Discussion and clarification of what is needed.

LI: We are learning about the creative writing assessment task that we will be working on this week.

SC: I can ask questions to clarify what is required of me for this assessment task.

Library Time to change books

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Creative Writing- Inspired by the Mentor Text 'Driftwood Days' by Charlotte Williams

Tuesday 16/8/16



I am very pleased with how our creative writing unit is progressing and the effort I can see you all putting into your own work. Awesome keep it up.

Today we are going to continue to work on our own stories using the mentor text " Driftwood Days' as a model. Last week we worked to develop the main ideas and the structure of the first paragraph. Today we are going to develop our second paragraph, that introduces the characters, explains their connection to the setting, and gives more descriptive detail about these elements.

LI: We are learning to develop the 2nd paragraph of our story.

SC: My paragraph introduces the characters, explains their connection to the place, and develops detail.

SC: My paragraph shows that I have:

  •   thought about my word choice ( improving vocabulary)
  •    Used some language features in my work such as simile, metaphor, personification,            alliteration,onomatopoeia to make it more effective and to create impact.

SC: I can re-read, edit and craft my work.

Lesson Sequence.
Silent Reading
Free writing

' The small boy stared back at over his shoulder and felt a great sense of fear as the shadow seemed to grow bigger, he.......'

Creative Writing.

Read your work so far, and edit it as you go. Remember basic punctuation.
We will discuss the model and see how we can develop our own second paragraph.
Complete 2nd paragraph.


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

'I am.... Creating our own stories

Tuesday 9/8/16



Good morning, and another beautiful day, just the inspiration for your own 'I am... stories. I was impressed by everyone's Give Me a Storm poems and your willingness to share them with me. Some of you still have some work to do on your images and that can be completed today in class.

Our next piece of creative writing is to continue to develop your own I am... stories based on a natural object or element.

LI: We are learning to write a piece of prose using the mentor text I am Winter for inspiration.

SC: I have decided on what I am going to use in my I am.... story
SC: I can use the structure of the mentor text to help me write my story.
SC: I can use the language features of a metaphor, personification and simile in my writing.
SC: I can proof read and edit my work.

Lesson Sequence

Silent Reading

Free Writing

I am... writing  

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Language Features and Livewire Learning

9MD P4

Yesterday we had an enjoyable activity looking at the language features used in songs, and we were well on the way to be able to identify them correctly. Today we are continuing to  work on identifying Language Features and Poetic Devices  using Livewire Learning.
Many ways to learn the same thing.
 We are going to work our way through the language features and then together read a piece of creative writing 'I am Winter' This will be our next mentor text and will act as the inspiration for your own 'I am winter' stories. We will also be looking at how the writer uses language features in this piece to make it effective and have impact.

Lesson Sequence

Silent Reading
Free Writing

LI: We are learning to identify language features in a piece of text.

SC: I can correctly identify the examples of language features in the Livewire exercises.
SC: I can identify some of the language features used in the story, 'I Am Winter'
       ( simile, metaphor, personification)
SC: I can begin to describe and explain the effects of using these language features in the story.

Livewire Learning
Click here for the link to livewire Learning

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Language Features

Tuesday 2/8/16



This week we are going to be exploring language features. We will be learning to identify them, find our own examples and begin to use them for impact in our own creative writing.
  Today we will be looking at some great examples through music lyrics.  This will help you to learn how to identify the feature being used, describe the feature and explain how it contributes to a powerful piece of writing or a great song.

I would like to be able to finish conferencing with you about your formal writing, thanks for getting on with your own tasks in a responsible manner that enables me to work individually with students.

Lesson Sequence

Silent Reading
Free Writing
Language Features work

LI: We are learning about how language features can make writing effective and have impact.

SC: I can identify some examples of language features  ( simile, metaphor, alliteration, personification)
SC: I can begin to describe the language feature being used
SC: I can begin to explain the effects of these techniques in writing, or poems or in song lyrics

Click here for Language Feature Rap

Click here for Game Show

Completing your own 'Give me A Storm' poem with images on a slide presentation.

Student conferencing to be completed.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Reading and Winter Poem- 'Give me a Storm'


Tuesday 26/7/2016


Thanks everyone for your work our classroom expectations for a successful learning environment. I have shared that in an e-mail with your whanau, Mentor teacher and your Dean.

Today we are going to head to the library for the first 15 to 20 minutes to make sure that everyone has a book to read. Regular reading really helps to build the higher order vocabulary that we have been discussing in our written work.

Then we are going return to the R15 and start work on our first poem as part of our creative writing unit.

LI: Is to continue to explore the theme of winter through poems and stories.

SC: I can actively read the poem 'Give me a Storm'
SC: I can work with a partner to contribute to discussions about the meaning of the poem
SC: I can work with a partner to annotate my thoughts about this poem on the A3 sheet
SC: I can work with my partner to write our own version of Give me a Storm.

We will craft and edit our poems to be able to share them on our poetry wall in the classroom and begin to select some to share  on the classroom blog.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Term 3: Expectations for Learning and Personal Goals

Monday 25/7/2016

Welcome back everyone, I hope you had a restful holiday and caught up with family and friends.

I'd like to acknowledge just how are you all worked in preparing for the Junior exam last term and all the hard work we put into writing.

LI: We are establishing our classes expectations for learning in Term 3.

SC: I have contributed in a positive manner to the discussions
SC: I can identify the ways that foster learning in our classroom
SC: I have completed my own written goals for this term.

Today we are going to discuss and agree on the expectations for learning in the classroom together. I would like to be able to share these goals with your families through an e-mail today so they are aware of how we all work together.

In preparation for the first weekly note home to your families this week, I'd also like you all to re-read your self reflection task from the end of Term 2 and pay particular attention to the goals that you set yourself.  Then in a new document in your new Term 3 English folder I'd like you to write your 3 goals again succinctly making any changes or improvements. These goals will be sent home with your weekly note grade.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Tuesday 28/6/16



Well done on your paragraph writing yesterday in P5 everyone. I hope the story Wild Boy: The Journey of Brando Yelavich and the short film 'New Boy' got you thinking about being tough in a different way. Both characters certainly faced their challenges in a tough manner.
If you are working on Flowers for Algernon, I have shared a document with you and would like you to start work on this. You have two questions to reflect on, then you must choose one to develop into a SEXY paragraph. Both questions are based on quotes from Page 293. I will work with you while the others are working on their padlet.

Lesson Sequence

Silent Reading

Free Writing

1 The Coast League grand final is on....
2. I remember when....
3. Own choice

Padlet exploring our ideas about 'Being Tough'

Today we are going to continue our thinking and sharing of ideas about what 'being tough' means
To get our ideas going you are going to contribute your ideas to this Padlet.

Click here for the link to the Padlet

A theme is an idea which is developed throughout the story.

LI: To show understanding of the theme of 'being tough' in City Night

SC: I can identify key events in City Night which develop the ideas about what 'being tough' means.

SC: I can explain the significance of  a relevant quote about what the boys think 'tough' is  with my partner and write a SEXY paragraph together expressing our ideas.


1. ' Tough isn't being able to push fellas around, that's called bullying'

2.  'I reckon it's when you gotta do something you don't wanna, but you still do it'.

3. I'd have been tougher if I'd said 'get stuffed'.

We will do this writing on paper and I would like you to have a go at using coloured pens to help you identify which part of the SEXY structure you are working on. At the top of your paper  write the quote you have chosen and make sure that you have both your names written down.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Monday 27/6/16


Welcome back everyone. It is week 9 and we are nearly there to the holidays! We are going to continue our work in preparing for the Junior Exam in week 10.  Responding to Text.
There was some excellent work in your paragraph writing last week, and we will have an opportunity today to complete that work.

Lesson Sequence

Silent Reading.

Today in preparation for our work tomorrow on what' being tough' means  we are all going to read the story Wild Boy The Journey of Brando Yelavich. He most definitely is an example of what it means to be tough.

Completing our Paragraphs.

REMEMBER  our steps for success.

Have your story out so you can re read to find specific evidence/quotes.
Re read the work that you have done so far.
Look at your plan for your next main idea and develop your statement.
Explain your statement  with supporting evidence and examples.
Write  whY you think it is important.

We need to spend some time completing our second paragraph about the main character in your story.

LI: We are learning to develop our key ideas about a main character and write a response using the SEXY structure.
SC:I have identified the (3) reasons why my character is important in the story.
SC:I have  some key ideas and specific evidence to support my ideas.
SC: I have used the SEXY paragraph in my written response.

I would like you to finish the second paragraph, and complete the 3rd paragraph for home work.

Then we are going to watch a short film The New Boy and discuss as a class what examples of being tough can we see this character facing or dealing with.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Thursday 23/6/16



Great work everyone yesterday, and once again thanks to those who are contributing to the discussions around our short story and in particular the work we are doing around a main character. We are going to develop this work further today by looking at key points for each reason that we came up with yesterday in our brainstorm. We will then begin to write a series of 3 paragraphs about this main character and explain why they are important.

Lesson Sequence.

Silent Reading

Free Writing: Choose from one topic,or you may continue to write on a particular piece.

  1. The mist swirled around the base of the hills....
  2. The team huddled together, listening to their coach and...
  3. Own choice
Short Story - Main Character Work.
From our brainstorm yesterday we are going to work together to identify some key points under each reason why the character is important. We will then begin to write the paragraphs using the SEXY structure.

LI:  We are learning to develop our key ideas about a main character and  write a response using the SEXY structure.

SC: I have identified the reasons ( 3) why my character is important in the story.
SC: I have some key ideas and specific evidence to support my ideas.
SC: I have used the SEXY structure in my written response.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016




Well done every one for working hard yesterday on the SCASI and especially to those who are contributing to the class discussions. That's awesome. Keep it up.

Today we are going to work together to complete our SCASI table for City Nights. We will be looking at the style of the story - the way the author has written it. We will also explore the main characters a bit more and develop a brainstorm around the main characters and why they are important. This will become the work for next SEXY paragraphs and will be very useful  practice for the exam.

Lesson Sequence.

Silent Reading

SCASI work on style
Character analysis brainstorm looking at all the reasons they are important in the story.

LI: We are preparing for the Junior exam by continuing to develop our analysis skills of the short story City Night

SC: I can contribute my ideas to the class discussion about style and character.
SC: I can make brief notes and identify supporting evidence from the story.
SC: I can contribute my ideas about why the main character(s) are important and develop this into a brainstorm.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016



Tuesday P3

Lesson Sequence.
Silent Reading 
SCASI for City Nights
Flowers For Algernon - character description work

Well done everyone on working yesterday during P5.  Some of you have made a good start to your visual SCASI and have included some specific evidence from the text to support your analysis.
We are going to work  to complete this activity together today as this is an essential tool to help you prepare for your exam in Week 10.

LI:We are preparing for the Junior Exam by continuing to develop our analysis skills of the short story City Night.

SC: I can complete the SCASI model of the story using visual images, notes and supported by specific evidence and quotes  from the story.

I have made some paper copies of the story which we will use to help us identify the specific evidence and quotes that we need.  We also develop further our reading skills of skimming and scanning as we look closely at the text to identify the specific evidence that we need to complete the SCASI model. This will be our planning document which will really help with our SEXY paragraph writing.

If you are working on Flowers for Algernon, I would like you to continue to develop your 3 point character description using the SEXY paragraph structure Remember we discussed a paragraph about the physical appearance, personality,  and the interactions/relationships with people, (but remember don't get carried away with dialogue, it is a SEXY paragraph.)

Monday, June 20, 2016




Welcome to week 8. This week and next week we will be concentrating on preparing for the junior exam which is based around the short story study, either 'City Night' By Steve Dickinson or 'Flowers for Algernon' by Daniel Keyes.

We will now work to continue to develop our written skills when responding to questions about the characters, or the setting or the main ideas in the texts using the SEXY paragraph structure.

Today in P5, I will be working with the 'Flowers for Algernon'  group and the rest of the class will be working to create a visual SCASI of 'City Night' using images and notes supported by specific evidence from the text. I have made model to help you understand what is required for this text, which we will go over together.

LI: We are preparing for the Junior exam by continuing to develop our analysis skills of a short story.

SC: I can complete the SCASI model of the text using visual images, notes and supported by specific evidence from the story.

Lesson Sequence.

Silent Reading

SCASI work for City Night

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Tuesday 14/6/16



 Today we are going to continue our  work on learning how to analyse a short text. For this task you will be using the excerpt form City Night, Chapter 8. A copy of the story in  your Hapara workspace.

Last week we read the story, and today we are going to develop a coggle to help us identify the main ideas in the story and identify specific evidence/quotes from the story to support our ideas.

Then we are going to look at 1 aspect - THE SETTING of the story, discuss and write about how this is important.

LI: We are learning to analyse a short story and respond to a question using the SEXY paragraph structure.

SC: I can read the story, participate in the class discussion, to share my ideas.

SC: I can select a question and use the SEXY structure to write my paragraph.

Lesson Sequence.

Silent Reading. Today I want you to read the text we are going to be working with.
Click here for the link to City Night text in Hapara.

We will discuss and share our ideas about the story. You will create a coggle to record your ideas. Some of you have already made that coggle. and have the link.

The next task is to use the text, and the SOLO questions about setting to write a SEXY paragraph. We will work from A3 paper, but there is also a copy of this in your Hapara workspace
Click here for electronic copy of the SOLO questions for setting.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Monday 13/6/16



The start of week 7 everybody! Time is flying by.
Well done for all of your efforts in our quiz last week, we may have to look at building in a time so we can complete the second section of it, but we will discuss this.

Today we are going to look at some visual texts that will help you to think more deeply about some of the main issues in our short story study. These are the issues, of belonging, fitting in, being popular and the impact of peer group pressure. Tomorrow we will look at these issues and how they impact on the characters in City Night. Some of you will be able to make a connection between the boys experiences and Faith's experience from Oakley Creek.

Lesson Sequence for today.

Silent Reading

Free Writing

Livewire Learning. Punctuation Skills

Click here for the link to Livewire Learning

Then we will be looking at some short visual texts to help us understand the big ideas in our short story study.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Wednesday 8/6/16



Today I have the remaining students to see and then all of the individual conferencing about your next steps for learning in our short story/ paragraph writing  will be complete. I am looking forward to reading and sharing you completed SEXY paragraphs about Oakley Creek or Flowers for Algernon. This has been a very worth while exercise in learning to craft your writing.

As discussed in class yesterday, you will have time to complete your SEXY paragraph and THE INFORMATION HUNT for the real Oakley Creek. Both tasks must be completed today.

REMEMBER THE QUIZ on Thursday 8/6/16 P1. The Winners take all! It will be based around The Information Hunt task.

The second half of the period will be spent reading our new short story, an excerpt from 'City Night' by Steve Dickinson - a story of the Friday night adventures of a group of young New Zealanders in the city center of Auckland. OR you will continue to work on the extended text 'Flowers for Algernon'. If you are working on this text, a document has been shared with you.

A copy of the text can be found in your Hapara workspace, and if you are working on 'Flowers for Algernon' there is a link for the text.

Click here for the link to Hapara Workspace.
Tuesday 7 June



A short week this week 9MD. This is week 6 and there are 10 weeks in this term, so not long to go to the next lot of holidays.
Today I am going to finish conferencing with a few students and then all of you have had time with me where we have discussed the next steps you need to take to complete or improve your SEXY paragraph, either about Oakley Creek or Flowers for Algernon.

Thank you all for taking personal responsibility and getting on with your own work while I spend time with individual students. This is a good way to support each others learning.
Today you will have 2 tasks that need to be completed.


1. Is your own individual work paragraph work either for Oakley Creek or Flowers for Algernon.
It is your top priority and I'd like you to finish these tasks or improve them.


2. You may work to ensure all your work for THE INFORMATION HUNT for the real Oakley Creek is completed.

REMEMBER the team QUIZ is on these questions and is also based around  these web sites. I will check to see how much work has been done, before I set the quiz. There is an expectation that you complete this quiz in class today and also for homework. I am happy to let you work on this quiz on Wednesday in P2 then you must submit your work. I am aiming for the quiz to happen P1 on Thursday 9/6.

This work is in your Hapara workspace.

Click here for THE INFORMATION HUNT for Oakley Creek in Hapara.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Thursday 2/6/16



Another beautiful day, a cold and frosty one!

It was good to have the opportunity to conference individually with you, about your next steps for learning in paragraph writing. This will continue today. Thanks to you all for being responsible and getting on with your work, as I talk and work with individual students. That is a very real way to support each others learning.

Today we are going to continue with your reading task - The Information Hunt about the real Oakley Creek. REMEMBER we are going to have a quizz next week on this. May the best team win!

Lesson Sequence.

Silent Reading.

Free Writing Sample for your Writing Portfolio.

A sample of free writing that you are going to do, from a choice of 3 sentence starters on the whiteboard.

  1. The frost sparkled like stars.......
  2. Its a long weekend, thank heavens......
  3. Own choice.

This work is to be in your Writing Portfolio Term 2.
Make a document in this folder and call it Free Writing Term  2.

Information Hunt Task, called Reading Exercise for Oakley Creek

Click for the link to Hapara for this work.

As you work on this task, I will continue to work with individual students conferencing with them about their paragraph writing.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Wednesday 1/6/16



Well done everyone for your work on your SEXY paragraphs from the story Oakley Creek or Flowers for Algernon. I have made some comments about your work and today I would like to be able to conference individually with all of you about your work and the next steps for your learning.

To be able to spend time with you all individually to discuss your work, I have developed a reading exercise based around the real Oakley Creek.  This work is in your Hapara dashboard and will be submitted on Friday. You will have time in class over the next couple of English periods to work on this as well as complete your SEXY paragraphs after I have given you all some individual feedback on ways to improve your work.

Lesson Sequence

Silent Reading

Then we will be spending some time on livewire learning and today we will be working on the punctuation section.

Reading Task for Oakley Creek

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Tuesday 31/5/16



Awesome work today team! There are some very good examples of creating a visual text to show the main issues facing Faith. Well done!

Today we are going to continue to work on our SEXY paragraph work from the story Oakley Creek. We will focus on completing the work and looking at the exemplars and evaluating our own work against these to identify our next steps for learning and ways to improve our own written paragraphs.

Lesson Sequence.

Silent Reading

Livewire Learning Sentence Structure.

Click here for the link to livewire learning

The we are going back to the Hapara workspace to continue to work on our SEXY paragraphs.
Remember you have already made a great start on this work, so we will now look at the exemplars to see how you can improve your own work.

Click here for the link to your Hapara workspace that will take you to your paragraph writing.

We are going to finish the lesson on a brief exercise that asks you to comment on what went well today. What has helped you write your SEXY paragraphs. We are going to record our ideas on the Padlet.

Click here for the link to the Padlet; What Went Well?

Monday, May 30, 2016

Monday 30/5/16



Welcome everyone to Week 5. The term is racing by. There was some very good work in the first part of your paragraph work last week. Today we are going to explore the main issues facing Faith From Oakley Creek through a visual text. This will help you to understand these complicated issues that she is facing as a consequence of her decision to go to Oakley Creek with Destiny. This activity will help you to complete the last section of your paragraphs.

Tomorrow we will complete our paragraphs and evaluate them using the exemplars.

Lesson Sequence

Silent Reading

Click here for the link to Hapara for your learning task today

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Friday 27/5/16



Well done everybody,  good work on starting your character response question. Today we are going to continue this writing process and aim to have a draft paragraph ready for next week. We will then  look at the exemplars and evaluate your own writing against them. There will be an opportunity to edit and proofread your work. This is part of the crafting part of the writing process and is important as it will help you to produce a strong paragraph.

You will continue working on the document that you started yesterday.
Remember to use your planning document , and go back and re -read sections of the text to help you with your spelling and punctuation.

Lesson sequence

Livewire: Sentence Structure

Click here for the link to Livewire

Then we will get back into our paragraph writing work. Aiming to have the draft completed this period.

Thursday 26/5/16

There was some very good planning work around your response to text character question happening yesterday in class. This is a very important part of being able to write a good SEXY paragraph answer.
Using specific evidence also strengthens your answer.
Remember to use your planning document, and go back re -read sections of the text to help you with spelling and punctuation.

Today we are going to continue with our work from" Oakley Creek" responding to the question, about how the main character was feeling and why,

Some of you may be working on our extended short story " Flowers for Algernon" where your question is centered around what is happening to Charlie.

Both texts and responses require you to use the same strategies.

We are going to get straight into our paragraph writing task today, and then finish of with a reflection and the learning goals for tomorrow. This will be around looking at the exemplars and editing and crafting our work.

Click here for the link to Hapara and today's work

I would like to finish off the period with listening and reading " Flowers for Algernon"

Click here for the link to the story to read.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Tuesday 24/3/16

Tuesday 24/3/16



Today we are continuing to develop our skills in analyzing a short story using the SCASI model. We will be using this model to analyse the first part of  " Flowers for Algernon" by Daniel Keyes.

Lesson Sequence.

Livewire Learning.

We are still working on sentence structure and today we will continue  to look at simple, complex and compound sentences.

Click here for Livewire link

SCASI Work for " Flowers for Algernon" by Daniel Keyes.

LI: We are continuing to develop our skills in using the SCASI model to analyse a text.

SC: I can work collaboratively in my group to;

  •   Re -read the story to identify and describe the setting, characters, Action, Style and            Idea/Theme
  • Use supporting evidence/ specific details/quotes to add to my notes 
Click for the link to Hapara

This will give you the link to the shared document you are going to work on with your group, as well as the link to the written text for the story. The audio link for the story is here.

Link to the audio version of the story

  We will continue to listen and read the story. " Flowers For Algernon"

Click for the link to the written text

Remember you SEXY Paragraph about "Oakley Creek"  by Kate Price is due in today.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Thursday 19/5/16



Class Reading Task.
"Oakley Creek" by Kate Paris.

Today we are going to learn how to use SCASI to help us identify and describe the elements of a short story.

We are going to read  the story, "Oakley Creek" by Kate Paris, when we have read it we will discuss these elements in the story and work together to complete the SCASI table with supporting detail.

Setting - The setting tells when and where and about the social climate

Characters - The characters are the people in the story.

Action - The action tells what happens in the story.

Style - The style is  the skill of the writer, and the way they have written the story.

Idea - The idea/theme is the meaning of the story. It is something for us to think about.

Click here for the link to our Hapara Workspace

We will continue to listen and read the short story," Flowers for Algernon"By Daniel Keyes.

Click here for the link to the text of the story.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Wednesday 18/5/16



Well done everyone for getting over 80 points. Awesome work team! We will have to discuss the reward for the improved focus on your learning tasks.
 I enjoyed reading your thoughtful contributions to the padlet about Assessment.I think I can understand how you feel and I have certainly had very similar experiences. We are all learners.

Lesson Sequence.

Silent Reading

Livewire Learning: We are still working on sentence structure and today we will be looking at simple, complex and compound sentences.

Click here to go to Livewire Learning


We will continue to listen to and read extended short story, " Flowers for Algernon" by Daniel Keyes

SC: I can listen and follow the written text.
SC: I can begin to think about the issues facing the main character.

Click here to go to written text

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tuesday 17/5/16



Lesson Sequence

Silent Reading

LI: We are going to begin our extended short story study.

SC: I can contribute my thoughtful  ideas about the issue of assessment to the class Padlet using my own name.
SC: I can access the links, to the text on screen and to the audio version
SC: I can listen and follow the written text.
SC: I can think about what I first noticed about this character, and what this information tells me about him.

Today we are going to begin our work on the the short story unit. We are going to study an extended short story called' Flowers for Algernon' by Daniel Keyes.

To get us ready to start think about the story and the issues that it raises. I would like you to add your thoughts to the class Padlet

Click here to get to the Padlet

This story is about a grown man who experiences a range of tests. We will find out more about this character and how he feels about all the assessments he is asked to do. Yesterday we looked at a short film about empathy which is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. You will read this story on your screen and listen at the same time to the audio version of it.

Click here for the link to the text

You will need to have the following link open as well, this is the audio version of the story to listen to as you read.
Click here for the audio link to the story

Monday, May 16, 2016

Monday 16/5/16



Thanks everyone for your great work last week and keeping up the positive focus on your learning. I have been in and made some comments on your SEXY paragraph work in response to the question about Josefa and the Vu. Great progress and there will be more opportunities for you to continue to develop these skills. 

Today we are going to look at a short film that explores the theme of how we develop empathy towards others. Empathy means the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. This work will be in preparation to our short story unit that explores the issue of fitting in, and what is considered to be normal in society.

Lesson Sequence

Silent Reading

Well Dones given out from last week.

Watch short film:' Under the Skin'  

Click here for the link to the film 'Under The Skin'

Contribute your ideas to the Padlet 

Link  Click here for the link to the Padlet

The last part of the lesson I'd like us to finish listening to Josefa and the VU

Click here for the link to Josefa and the Vu

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Thursday 12/5/16



Today we are going to work to respond to some questions about the story Josefa and the VU using the SEXY paragraph structure. You can find the task sheet in your student dashboard. Access this through the link I sent you yesterday.

As I was unable to use Hapara this morning, I have some copies of a note taking sheet to help guide you to gather the information you will need to write your SEXY paragraph.

You will need to listen again to the part of the story indicated on your task sheet.

LI: We are working to gather information to write a SEXY paragraph in response to a question from Josefa and the VU.

SC: I can use the note taking sheet to guide me to gather the information about the question that I can use to write a SEXY paragraph.
SC: I have made specific notes about supporting details and I have been able to identify a quote to support my work.
SC: I can make a link from this story/issue to a wider context and reflect about this.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Wednesday 11/5/16

9 MD


Today we are continuing to develop our skills in writing paragraphs using the SEXY paragraph structure. We are going to be thinking about some of the serious main issues that are raised in the story. These include the issues around bullying, cultural differences, and power and money with the Bucksworth family. We are discussing and writing about our ideas about these important issues and how they can effect people.

Link to clip about Theme

I am pleased with the way the class is working on staying focused on their learning and contributing to an environment that supports good learning. Awesome!

Link to Hapara Workspace here

Bringing headphones to school might be a sensible suggestion as you will need to listen again to the parts of the story that your question applies to.

Link to Josefa and the Vu

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Monday 9/5/16


P 5.

Today we are going to work together, or ( by yourself if you so choose) to brainstorm ideas and explore ways for creating and writing an effective character description. You are going to try and build into your character description some specific language techniques that we have been discussing and reading about from the examples in class. This could include techniques such as, a simile, the use of dialogue, slang, or descriptive phrases.

Link to the task in Hapara

When you have completed this task I would like you to continue to listen to Josefa and the Vue

Click here to continue to listen to Josefa and the Vu


Your set, individual homework task is due in on Wednesday 11/5 P2

This work is in your Hapara workspace, when you have finished click submit.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Friday 6/5/16


P2 English 

Well done everyone for your contributions this week, and working to have the focus on your learning. There is some great work  happening in paragraph writing. We will continue to work to  improve our skills in this area.

Today we are going to be looking and thinking about characterization, this is the way an author develops a character in  a written text.
We will be reading some examples together in pairs, and we will be discussing and writing about what we noticed about the descriptions.

This work will be shared with you in your Hapara work space.

Click here to link to workspace

LI: We are learning about what makes an effective character description.

SC: I can read the examples, identify and discuss with my partner the ways in which the author has created an effective description.

SC: I  can write a brief character description together with my partner.

In individual task for home work is to develop an effective character description of some one you know well. This task will also be in your Hapara work space.

Finish Listening  to Josefa and the VU as a class together.

Thursday 5/5/16

9MD P 1 English

Great work on the padlet, showing some good understanding of the issues Joesfa was facing.

Today we are going to be going over the SEXY paragraph structure in your work from yesterday and I am looking forward to people sharing their work.

We are still focusing on what makes an effective character description, and the structure of the SEXY paragraph in your written answers.

Lesson Sequence

Silent Reading


SC: I  used the SEXY paragraph structure in my written answer.
       I have a statement, and explanation with examples ( supporting evidence)
       I have considered whY these factors are important in the challenges Joesfa faces.

Listen to the Story.

Joesfa and the Vu Part Two, Family Relationships and more conflict.Joesfa and the Vu

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Wednesday 4/5/16  P2

9MD English
Wednesday 4/5/16

How We Learn about a Character 

In the first part of the story, we learn about the many challenges that Joesfa faces at school. What kinds of issues is he facing? What makes it challenging for him? How does Joesfa react? What kinds of things do we learn about his character?

Share your ideas on this padlet. ( click on the link to take you to the padlet)

Learning objective: to express our ideas about a character effectively
Success criteria:
1. I can identify a character and describe him or her using detail and evidence from the story.
2. I can describe how the actions of another character can teach us about our main character
3. I can explain why Josefa was worried about being late to school.

Use the SEXY paragraph rules to write a paragraph about what Joesfa looks like and what he is scared of and why is school difficult for him.

Joesfa and the Vu  Part One.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Hero Cycle Activity

Monday 21/3/16

9MD P5
Learning Objective: To show understanding of the hero cycle in the film 'Paper Planes'

Success Criteria:

1. Identify the part of the film which matches the part of the hero cycle which you have been assigned to.

2. Describe what happens in this part.

3. Explain how it links to the hero cycle.

In class today we will start by identifying the stages of the hero cycle on a sheet of paper, working in pairs.

This will be a good opportunity for you to use the hero cycle models that you have to help you with this task.

Next, we will be working in pairs to focus on one part per pair. Each pair will describe what happens in the film at the part they have been assigned.
Then they will explain how it links to the hero cycle.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Good effort in your zaption activity. We are now going to look at how the hero cycle is reflected in a feature film.

Lesson Outline 16/3/16 P2.

Silent Reading
Free writing Choices

  • It had begun to rain as I walked home from school..
  • I jogged to training watching the grey clouds gathering over Point Elizabeth...
  • There will be time....

Check in time for the stages of Patrick's hero cycle writing..
Questions and feedback on progress so far. 
Link to 'Butterflies' short film  directed by Andy Bailey.

Feature Film: 'Paper Planes' Directed by Robert Connolly.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

9 MD


Lesson Outline

Silent Reading
Free Writing Choices for Thursday 10/3 P1

1. Own choice
2. I never did get....
3. The road was dusty...
4. Winter is coming.......

We have been learning about the Hero Cycle. We discussed how  the Hero Cycle can relate to our own lives and the personal challenges that we all face. We are now going to look at how the Hero Cycle relates  to the film 'Butterflies.

LI; We are learning how the Hero Cycle is reflected in the short film 'Butterflies'

SC: I can identify and describe some of the stages of the hero cycle in the short film Butterflies.

SC: I can use supporting evidence from the film to support my ideas.

I have created a Zaption activity to get you stated on this learning objective. Click on the link to begin the Zaption activity.


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Reading Strategies


In our reading the main aim is to: