Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Tuesday 31/5/16



Awesome work today team! There are some very good examples of creating a visual text to show the main issues facing Faith. Well done!

Today we are going to continue to work on our SEXY paragraph work from the story Oakley Creek. We will focus on completing the work and looking at the exemplars and evaluating our own work against these to identify our next steps for learning and ways to improve our own written paragraphs.

Lesson Sequence.

Silent Reading

Livewire Learning Sentence Structure.

Click here for the link to livewire learning

The we are going back to the Hapara workspace to continue to work on our SEXY paragraphs.
Remember you have already made a great start on this work, so we will now look at the exemplars to see how you can improve your own work.

Click here for the link to your Hapara workspace that will take you to your paragraph writing.

We are going to finish the lesson on a brief exercise that asks you to comment on what went well today. What has helped you write your SEXY paragraphs. We are going to record our ideas on the Padlet.

Click here for the link to the Padlet; What Went Well?

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