Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Wednesday 1/6/16



Well done everyone for your work on your SEXY paragraphs from the story Oakley Creek or Flowers for Algernon. I have made some comments about your work and today I would like to be able to conference individually with all of you about your work and the next steps for your learning.

To be able to spend time with you all individually to discuss your work, I have developed a reading exercise based around the real Oakley Creek.  This work is in your Hapara dashboard and will be submitted on Friday. You will have time in class over the next couple of English periods to work on this as well as complete your SEXY paragraphs after I have given you all some individual feedback on ways to improve your work.

Lesson Sequence

Silent Reading

Then we will be spending some time on livewire learning and today we will be working on the punctuation section.

Reading Task for Oakley Creek

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