Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Tuesday 7 June



A short week this week 9MD. This is week 6 and there are 10 weeks in this term, so not long to go to the next lot of holidays.
Today I am going to finish conferencing with a few students and then all of you have had time with me where we have discussed the next steps you need to take to complete or improve your SEXY paragraph, either about Oakley Creek or Flowers for Algernon.

Thank you all for taking personal responsibility and getting on with your own work while I spend time with individual students. This is a good way to support each others learning.
Today you will have 2 tasks that need to be completed.


1. Is your own individual work paragraph work either for Oakley Creek or Flowers for Algernon.
It is your top priority and I'd like you to finish these tasks or improve them.


2. You may work to ensure all your work for THE INFORMATION HUNT for the real Oakley Creek is completed.

REMEMBER the team QUIZ is on these questions and is also based around  these web sites. I will check to see how much work has been done, before I set the quiz. There is an expectation that you complete this quiz in class today and also for homework. I am happy to let you work on this quiz on Wednesday in P2 then you must submit your work. I am aiming for the quiz to happen P1 on Thursday 9/6.

This work is in your Hapara workspace.

Click here for THE INFORMATION HUNT for Oakley Creek in Hapara.

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