Monday, June 27, 2016

Monday 27/6/16


Welcome back everyone. It is week 9 and we are nearly there to the holidays! We are going to continue our work in preparing for the Junior Exam in week 10.  Responding to Text.
There was some excellent work in your paragraph writing last week, and we will have an opportunity today to complete that work.

Lesson Sequence

Silent Reading.

Today in preparation for our work tomorrow on what' being tough' means  we are all going to read the story Wild Boy The Journey of Brando Yelavich. He most definitely is an example of what it means to be tough.

Completing our Paragraphs.

REMEMBER  our steps for success.

Have your story out so you can re read to find specific evidence/quotes.
Re read the work that you have done so far.
Look at your plan for your next main idea and develop your statement.
Explain your statement  with supporting evidence and examples.
Write  whY you think it is important.

We need to spend some time completing our second paragraph about the main character in your story.

LI: We are learning to develop our key ideas about a main character and write a response using the SEXY structure.
SC:I have identified the (3) reasons why my character is important in the story.
SC:I have  some key ideas and specific evidence to support my ideas.
SC: I have used the SEXY paragraph in my written response.

I would like you to finish the second paragraph, and complete the 3rd paragraph for home work.

Then we are going to watch a short film The New Boy and discuss as a class what examples of being tough can we see this character facing or dealing with.

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