Thursday, June 2, 2016

Thursday 2/6/16



Another beautiful day, a cold and frosty one!

It was good to have the opportunity to conference individually with you, about your next steps for learning in paragraph writing. This will continue today. Thanks to you all for being responsible and getting on with your work, as I talk and work with individual students. That is a very real way to support each others learning.

Today we are going to continue with your reading task - The Information Hunt about the real Oakley Creek. REMEMBER we are going to have a quizz next week on this. May the best team win!

Lesson Sequence.

Silent Reading.

Free Writing Sample for your Writing Portfolio.

A sample of free writing that you are going to do, from a choice of 3 sentence starters on the whiteboard.

  1. The frost sparkled like stars.......
  2. Its a long weekend, thank heavens......
  3. Own choice.

This work is to be in your Writing Portfolio Term 2.
Make a document in this folder and call it Free Writing Term  2.

Information Hunt Task, called Reading Exercise for Oakley Creek

Click for the link to Hapara for this work.

As you work on this task, I will continue to work with individual students conferencing with them about their paragraph writing.

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