Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Tuesday 28/6/16



Well done on your paragraph writing yesterday in P5 everyone. I hope the story Wild Boy: The Journey of Brando Yelavich and the short film 'New Boy' got you thinking about being tough in a different way. Both characters certainly faced their challenges in a tough manner.
If you are working on Flowers for Algernon, I have shared a document with you and would like you to start work on this. You have two questions to reflect on, then you must choose one to develop into a SEXY paragraph. Both questions are based on quotes from Page 293. I will work with you while the others are working on their padlet.

Lesson Sequence

Silent Reading

Free Writing

1 The Coast League grand final is on....
2. I remember when....
3. Own choice

Padlet exploring our ideas about 'Being Tough'

Today we are going to continue our thinking and sharing of ideas about what 'being tough' means
To get our ideas going you are going to contribute your ideas to this Padlet.

Click here for the link to the Padlet

A theme is an idea which is developed throughout the story.

LI: To show understanding of the theme of 'being tough' in City Night

SC: I can identify key events in City Night which develop the ideas about what 'being tough' means.

SC: I can explain the significance of  a relevant quote about what the boys think 'tough' is  with my partner and write a SEXY paragraph together expressing our ideas.


1. ' Tough isn't being able to push fellas around, that's called bullying'

2.  'I reckon it's when you gotta do something you don't wanna, but you still do it'.

3. I'd have been tougher if I'd said 'get stuffed'.

We will do this writing on paper and I would like you to have a go at using coloured pens to help you identify which part of the SEXY structure you are working on. At the top of your paper  write the quote you have chosen and make sure that you have both your names written down.

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