Monday, June 13, 2016

Monday 13/6/16



The start of week 7 everybody! Time is flying by.
Well done for all of your efforts in our quiz last week, we may have to look at building in a time so we can complete the second section of it, but we will discuss this.

Today we are going to look at some visual texts that will help you to think more deeply about some of the main issues in our short story study. These are the issues, of belonging, fitting in, being popular and the impact of peer group pressure. Tomorrow we will look at these issues and how they impact on the characters in City Night. Some of you will be able to make a connection between the boys experiences and Faith's experience from Oakley Creek.

Lesson Sequence for today.

Silent Reading

Free Writing

Livewire Learning. Punctuation Skills

Click here for the link to Livewire Learning

Then we will be looking at some short visual texts to help us understand the big ideas in our short story study.

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