Tuesday, June 21, 2016



Tuesday P3

Lesson Sequence.
Silent Reading 
SCASI for City Nights
Flowers For Algernon - character description work

Well done everyone on working yesterday during P5.  Some of you have made a good start to your visual SCASI and have included some specific evidence from the text to support your analysis.
We are going to work  to complete this activity together today as this is an essential tool to help you prepare for your exam in Week 10.

LI:We are preparing for the Junior Exam by continuing to develop our analysis skills of the short story City Night.

SC: I can complete the SCASI model of the story using visual images, notes and supported by specific evidence and quotes  from the story.

I have made some paper copies of the story which we will use to help us identify the specific evidence and quotes that we need.  We also develop further our reading skills of skimming and scanning as we look closely at the text to identify the specific evidence that we need to complete the SCASI model. This will be our planning document which will really help with our SEXY paragraph writing.

If you are working on Flowers for Algernon, I would like you to continue to develop your 3 point character description using the SEXY paragraph structure Remember we discussed a paragraph about the physical appearance, personality,  and the interactions/relationships with people, (but remember don't get carried away with dialogue, it is a SEXY paragraph.)

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