Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Tuesday 14/6/16



 Today we are going to continue our  work on learning how to analyse a short text. For this task you will be using the excerpt form City Night, Chapter 8. A copy of the story in  your Hapara workspace.

Last week we read the story, and today we are going to develop a coggle to help us identify the main ideas in the story and identify specific evidence/quotes from the story to support our ideas.

Then we are going to look at 1 aspect - THE SETTING of the story, discuss and write about how this is important.

LI: We are learning to analyse a short story and respond to a question using the SEXY paragraph structure.

SC: I can read the story, participate in the class discussion, to share my ideas.

SC: I can select a question and use the SEXY structure to write my paragraph.

Lesson Sequence.

Silent Reading. Today I want you to read the text we are going to be working with.
Click here for the link to City Night text in Hapara.

We will discuss and share our ideas about the story. You will create a coggle to record your ideas. Some of you have already made that coggle. and have the link.

The next task is to use the text, and the SOLO questions about setting to write a SEXY paragraph. We will work from A3 paper, but there is also a copy of this in your Hapara workspace
Click here for electronic copy of the SOLO questions for setting.

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