Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Tuesday 24/3/16

Tuesday 24/3/16



Today we are continuing to develop our skills in analyzing a short story using the SCASI model. We will be using this model to analyse the first part of  " Flowers for Algernon" by Daniel Keyes.

Lesson Sequence.

Livewire Learning.

We are still working on sentence structure and today we will continue  to look at simple, complex and compound sentences.

Click here for Livewire link

SCASI Work for " Flowers for Algernon" by Daniel Keyes.

LI: We are continuing to develop our skills in using the SCASI model to analyse a text.

SC: I can work collaboratively in my group to;

  •   Re -read the story to identify and describe the setting, characters, Action, Style and            Idea/Theme
  • Use supporting evidence/ specific details/quotes to add to my notes 
Click for the link to Hapara

This will give you the link to the shared document you are going to work on with your group, as well as the link to the written text for the story. The audio link for the story is here.

Link to the audio version of the story

  We will continue to listen and read the story. " Flowers For Algernon"

Click for the link to the written text

Remember you SEXY Paragraph about "Oakley Creek"  by Kate Price is due in today.

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