Thursday, May 26, 2016

Thursday 26/5/16

There was some very good planning work around your response to text character question happening yesterday in class. This is a very important part of being able to write a good SEXY paragraph answer.
Using specific evidence also strengthens your answer.
Remember to use your planning document, and go back re -read sections of the text to help you with spelling and punctuation.

Today we are going to continue with our work from" Oakley Creek" responding to the question, about how the main character was feeling and why,

Some of you may be working on our extended short story " Flowers for Algernon" where your question is centered around what is happening to Charlie.

Both texts and responses require you to use the same strategies.

We are going to get straight into our paragraph writing task today, and then finish of with a reflection and the learning goals for tomorrow. This will be around looking at the exemplars and editing and crafting our work.

Click here for the link to Hapara and today's work

I would like to finish off the period with listening and reading " Flowers for Algernon"

Click here for the link to the story to read.

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