Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Language Features

Tuesday 2/8/16



This week we are going to be exploring language features. We will be learning to identify them, find our own examples and begin to use them for impact in our own creative writing.
  Today we will be looking at some great examples through music lyrics.  This will help you to learn how to identify the feature being used, describe the feature and explain how it contributes to a powerful piece of writing or a great song.

I would like to be able to finish conferencing with you about your formal writing, thanks for getting on with your own tasks in a responsible manner that enables me to work individually with students.

Lesson Sequence

Silent Reading
Free Writing
Language Features work

LI: We are learning about how language features can make writing effective and have impact.

SC: I can identify some examples of language features  ( simile, metaphor, alliteration, personification)
SC: I can begin to describe the language feature being used
SC: I can begin to explain the effects of these techniques in writing, or poems or in song lyrics

Click here for Language Feature Rap

Click here for Game Show

Completing your own 'Give me A Storm' poem with images on a slide presentation.

Student conferencing to be completed.

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