Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Language Features and Livewire Learning

9MD P4

Yesterday we had an enjoyable activity looking at the language features used in songs, and we were well on the way to be able to identify them correctly. Today we are continuing to  work on identifying Language Features and Poetic Devices  using Livewire Learning.
Many ways to learn the same thing.
 We are going to work our way through the language features and then together read a piece of creative writing 'I am Winter' This will be our next mentor text and will act as the inspiration for your own 'I am winter' stories. We will also be looking at how the writer uses language features in this piece to make it effective and have impact.

Lesson Sequence

Silent Reading
Free Writing

LI: We are learning to identify language features in a piece of text.

SC: I can correctly identify the examples of language features in the Livewire exercises.
SC: I can identify some of the language features used in the story, 'I Am Winter'
       ( simile, metaphor, personification)
SC: I can begin to describe and explain the effects of using these language features in the story.

Livewire Learning
Click here for the link to livewire Learning

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