Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Long and Short Poems

Tuesday 23/8/16



Today we are going to look at some short poems, and will be using them to inspire our own short or long poems. You may think about your best work over the next two days and select one of them to be included in your assessment work.

Some of you will need to spend some time at home proof reading and editing your work that is being submitted for the assessment. This will include your own piece of writing developed from the mentor texts, 'Driftwood Days' and 'I am Winter'.
If you haven't completed these two pieces of work you will need to focus on getting them done for homework.
Remember to pay   special attention to spelling and punctuation in your writing, this means you need to go back and carefully re-read your work. spend some time crafting your work, this  is where you look critically at your work. and see if you can make any improvements in word choices, or using a carefully chosen language feature that will add impact to your work. This stage is really important.I would recommend that you go through this process.

LI: We are continuing to develop our own poems using mentor texts for inspiration.

SC:I can identify a range of language techniques used in the poems
SC: I can discuss my ideas about the poems
SC: I can develop my own short or long poem using careful word choices and language features to create an effective poem.

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