Monday, March 21, 2016

Hero Cycle Activity

Monday 21/3/16

9MD P5
Learning Objective: To show understanding of the hero cycle in the film 'Paper Planes'

Success Criteria:

1. Identify the part of the film which matches the part of the hero cycle which you have been assigned to.

2. Describe what happens in this part.

3. Explain how it links to the hero cycle.

In class today we will start by identifying the stages of the hero cycle on a sheet of paper, working in pairs.

This will be a good opportunity for you to use the hero cycle models that you have to help you with this task.

Next, we will be working in pairs to focus on one part per pair. Each pair will describe what happens in the film at the part they have been assigned.
Then they will explain how it links to the hero cycle.

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