Wednesday, March 9, 2016

9 MD


Lesson Outline

Silent Reading
Free Writing Choices for Thursday 10/3 P1

1. Own choice
2. I never did get....
3. The road was dusty...
4. Winter is coming.......

We have been learning about the Hero Cycle. We discussed how  the Hero Cycle can relate to our own lives and the personal challenges that we all face. We are now going to look at how the Hero Cycle relates  to the film 'Butterflies.

LI; We are learning how the Hero Cycle is reflected in the short film 'Butterflies'

SC: I can identify and describe some of the stages of the hero cycle in the short film Butterflies.

SC: I can use supporting evidence from the film to support my ideas.

I have created a Zaption activity to get you stated on this learning objective. Click on the link to begin the Zaption activity.

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