Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Long and Short Poems

Tuesday 23/8/16



Today we are going to look at some short poems, and will be using them to inspire our own short or long poems. You may think about your best work over the next two days and select one of them to be included in your assessment work.

Some of you will need to spend some time at home proof reading and editing your work that is being submitted for the assessment. This will include your own piece of writing developed from the mentor texts, 'Driftwood Days' and 'I am Winter'.
If you haven't completed these two pieces of work you will need to focus on getting them done for homework.
Remember to pay   special attention to spelling and punctuation in your writing, this means you need to go back and carefully re-read your work. spend some time crafting your work, this  is where you look critically at your work. and see if you can make any improvements in word choices, or using a carefully chosen language feature that will add impact to your work. This stage is really important.I would recommend that you go through this process.

LI: We are continuing to develop our own poems using mentor texts for inspiration.

SC:I can identify a range of language techniques used in the poems
SC: I can discuss my ideas about the poems
SC: I can develop my own short or long poem using careful word choices and language features to create an effective poem.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Creative Writing Assessment

Monday 22/8/16



I am very impressed by the effort you have all put into your own piece of creative writing based the mentor text 'Driftwood Days' by Charlotte Williams. All that remains is to give your work the final proof read seeing if you can correct any errors in basic punctuation and spelling.
Crafting your work is where you critically look at what you have done, and see if you can make any improvements in word choices or using a carefully chosen language feature that will add impact to your work. I would recommend that you do this.

Today we are going to look at the creative writing assessment task and discuss options and choices about it.  You will consider the work you have already completed in class, and the work that we will be doing this week. Your assessment is due in this Friday 26/8/16.

Lesson Sequence

Silent Reading
Free writing

  • The whistle blew and it was all on...
  • The car came to a sliding halt, gravel spinning up from the rough road and I...
  • Own choice...
Assessment Task Discussion and clarification of what is needed.

LI: We are learning about the creative writing assessment task that we will be working on this week.

SC: I can ask questions to clarify what is required of me for this assessment task.

Library Time to change books

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Creative Writing- Inspired by the Mentor Text 'Driftwood Days' by Charlotte Williams

Tuesday 16/8/16



I am very pleased with how our creative writing unit is progressing and the effort I can see you all putting into your own work. Awesome keep it up.

Today we are going to continue to work on our own stories using the mentor text " Driftwood Days' as a model. Last week we worked to develop the main ideas and the structure of the first paragraph. Today we are going to develop our second paragraph, that introduces the characters, explains their connection to the setting, and gives more descriptive detail about these elements.

LI: We are learning to develop the 2nd paragraph of our story.

SC: My paragraph introduces the characters, explains their connection to the place, and develops detail.

SC: My paragraph shows that I have:

  •   thought about my word choice ( improving vocabulary)
  •    Used some language features in my work such as simile, metaphor, personification,            alliteration,onomatopoeia to make it more effective and to create impact.

SC: I can re-read, edit and craft my work.

Lesson Sequence.
Silent Reading
Free writing

' The small boy stared back at over his shoulder and felt a great sense of fear as the shadow seemed to grow bigger, he.......'

Creative Writing.

Read your work so far, and edit it as you go. Remember basic punctuation.
We will discuss the model and see how we can develop our own second paragraph.
Complete 2nd paragraph.


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

'I am.... Creating our own stories

Tuesday 9/8/16



Good morning, and another beautiful day, just the inspiration for your own 'I am... stories. I was impressed by everyone's Give Me a Storm poems and your willingness to share them with me. Some of you still have some work to do on your images and that can be completed today in class.

Our next piece of creative writing is to continue to develop your own I am... stories based on a natural object or element.

LI: We are learning to write a piece of prose using the mentor text I am Winter for inspiration.

SC: I have decided on what I am going to use in my I am.... story
SC: I can use the structure of the mentor text to help me write my story.
SC: I can use the language features of a metaphor, personification and simile in my writing.
SC: I can proof read and edit my work.

Lesson Sequence

Silent Reading

Free Writing

I am... writing  

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Language Features and Livewire Learning

9MD P4

Yesterday we had an enjoyable activity looking at the language features used in songs, and we were well on the way to be able to identify them correctly. Today we are continuing to  work on identifying Language Features and Poetic Devices  using Livewire Learning.
Many ways to learn the same thing.
 We are going to work our way through the language features and then together read a piece of creative writing 'I am Winter' This will be our next mentor text and will act as the inspiration for your own 'I am winter' stories. We will also be looking at how the writer uses language features in this piece to make it effective and have impact.

Lesson Sequence

Silent Reading
Free Writing

LI: We are learning to identify language features in a piece of text.

SC: I can correctly identify the examples of language features in the Livewire exercises.
SC: I can identify some of the language features used in the story, 'I Am Winter'
       ( simile, metaphor, personification)
SC: I can begin to describe and explain the effects of using these language features in the story.

Livewire Learning
Click here for the link to livewire Learning

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Language Features

Tuesday 2/8/16



This week we are going to be exploring language features. We will be learning to identify them, find our own examples and begin to use them for impact in our own creative writing.
  Today we will be looking at some great examples through music lyrics.  This will help you to learn how to identify the feature being used, describe the feature and explain how it contributes to a powerful piece of writing or a great song.

I would like to be able to finish conferencing with you about your formal writing, thanks for getting on with your own tasks in a responsible manner that enables me to work individually with students.

Lesson Sequence

Silent Reading
Free Writing
Language Features work

LI: We are learning about how language features can make writing effective and have impact.

SC: I can identify some examples of language features  ( simile, metaphor, alliteration, personification)
SC: I can begin to describe the language feature being used
SC: I can begin to explain the effects of these techniques in writing, or poems or in song lyrics

Click here for Language Feature Rap

Click here for Game Show

Completing your own 'Give me A Storm' poem with images on a slide presentation.

Student conferencing to be completed.