Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Reading and Winter Poem- 'Give me a Storm'


Tuesday 26/7/2016


Thanks everyone for your work our classroom expectations for a successful learning environment. I have shared that in an e-mail with your whanau, Mentor teacher and your Dean.

Today we are going to head to the library for the first 15 to 20 minutes to make sure that everyone has a book to read. Regular reading really helps to build the higher order vocabulary that we have been discussing in our written work.

Then we are going return to the R15 and start work on our first poem as part of our creative writing unit.

LI: Is to continue to explore the theme of winter through poems and stories.

SC: I can actively read the poem 'Give me a Storm'
SC: I can work with a partner to contribute to discussions about the meaning of the poem
SC: I can work with a partner to annotate my thoughts about this poem on the A3 sheet
SC: I can work with my partner to write our own version of Give me a Storm.

We will craft and edit our poems to be able to share them on our poetry wall in the classroom and begin to select some to share  on the classroom blog.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Term 3: Expectations for Learning and Personal Goals

Monday 25/7/2016

Welcome back everyone, I hope you had a restful holiday and caught up with family and friends.

I'd like to acknowledge just how are you all worked in preparing for the Junior exam last term and all the hard work we put into writing.

LI: We are establishing our classes expectations for learning in Term 3.

SC: I have contributed in a positive manner to the discussions
SC: I can identify the ways that foster learning in our classroom
SC: I have completed my own written goals for this term.

Today we are going to discuss and agree on the expectations for learning in the classroom together. I would like to be able to share these goals with your families through an e-mail today so they are aware of how we all work together.

In preparation for the first weekly note home to your families this week, I'd also like you all to re-read your self reflection task from the end of Term 2 and pay particular attention to the goals that you set yourself.  Then in a new document in your new Term 3 English folder I'd like you to write your 3 goals again succinctly making any changes or improvements. These goals will be sent home with your weekly note grade.